(I may be right . . . but Iā€™m not far from it.)
Monthly archive August, 2012
Rugged Individualism

Rugged Individualism

  Rugged individualism. Way back long ago when I listened to Rush Limbaugh … yes, I was a Conservative (Big C) once, damn my eyes … I would hear that phrase quite regularly. Rush likes to think of himself that way. Rugged, and an individual. Doing things his way. Ruggedly. It’s funny, but I tend...
Shooting An Elephant

Shooting An Elephant

When the white man turns tyrant, it is his own freedom he destroys. Shooting An Elephant, by George Orwell. Amazing, isn’t it? Intellectual tyranny. That is, the disconnect between what some profess and truly think their Reality belief is, and the real Reality they embrace by practice and behavior; the stuff that burbles and oozes...
Why It Matters

Why It Matters

  ā€” I occasionally choose to exhume older posts, simply as a reminder. This one is from April 18, 2011 ā€” Most of you reading this post … I’m assuming a few of you actually do read this … are too young to be personally concerned with things like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. But you...
Take the Fork in the Road

Take the Fork in the Road

  For those of you with a philosophical turn, I’m passing along an interesting read about two veils: Opulence and Ignorance. One could substitute veils with a fork in the road, I suppose; the point being, having to choose between two, different but unknowable outcomes. Imagine . . . Road #1: A mighty wizard whisks...
Living in Interesting Times

Living in Interesting Times

  There’s an old Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. I mention this because of our old pal, Willard. He, for the very first time since announcing he wants to be CEO … President of the United States, has finally, at long last, made our times quite interesting by making a substantive statement....