(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Monthly archive October, 2012
Lance And Bernie

Lance And Bernie

I’m only one cup o’ Joe into the morning and it just hit me. (The epiphany, not the coffee.) Why I am fascinated with the Lance Armstrong scandal. It’s because Armstrong is the Bernie Madoff of sports. (You may prefer to insert Allen Stanford or Dietmar Machold or Chuck Ponzi or . . . ?)...
A Kindergarten Lesson

A Kindergarten Lesson

  This post is part of an email exchange regarding Lance Armstrong, between me and my two, best friends. One is a retired attorney and the other is a Senior Superintendent for a large, commercial construction company. I include their comments because I highly value my friends’ opinions. Both make — to my way of...
Miscarriage Of Justice?

Miscarriage Of Justice?

Many of you probably aren’t old enough to remember this terrible thing. Jeffrey MacDonald, a Special Forces trained, Army physician, was portrayed to be a monster; he murdered his pregnant wife and two daughters. At least that’s what the news reports told us. From the very beginning, MacDonald claimed he was innocent. He claimed he...
Boiling The Lance

Boiling The Lance

Top o’ the morning to All. I’m working on my 23rd cuppa, or thereabouts, enjoying the beautifully clear, crispy-cold morning, and as usual, reading some news. There’s an article in this morning’s The NY Times front page, piling more background on top of the Lance Armstrong debacle. (“Lance, we never knew ye . . ....
It's Clobberin' Time!

It’s Clobberin’ Time!

About three years ago I was (somewhat constantly) groaning and moaning to any and all who would listen to me regarding Obama’s lack of fire when dealing with congressional Republicans. He bent over backwards to find a middle ground where something good for the country might be done. Unfortunately, the Republican leadership made it clear from...
Conservative And Cool

Conservative And Cool

I apologize from the top. I’ve long said, (and no doubt been oft quoted), Conservatives (Big C) cannot, cannot, CANNOT do cool. No matter how they try, they just don’t get the notion. And we’re not even going to start talking about humor. You thought Clint Eastwood’s schtick was funny? You . . . what?...
Paying Attention In Kindergarten

Paying Attention In Kindergarten

Okay, I confess. I’m a Redistributionist. (I know, so was Robin Hood.) The fundamental difference between me and Mr. Hood, (never mind the green tights and the arrows), is that Robin was a Post-Tax-Redistributionist. I however — and by notable contrast — am a Tax-Based-Redistributionist. Big difference. Most of us learned about redistributionism while we...
Caution - Fat Lady Singing

Caution – Fat Lady Singing

  Well, it’s time to roll out the ol’ “One bad apple” aphorism again. Apparently there exists a recent study from a small group of researchers connected to Stanford University — an otherwise somewhat reputable institution — that raises more than a few eyebrows everywhere. What were they thinking? In case you blinked, these researchers...