(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Monthly archive July, 2013
Somebody Else's Bridge

Somebody Else’s Bridge

    . . . when he (Hans) started sharing what he had learned with other Mormons in Sweden, the stake president (who oversees a cluster of congregations) told him not to talk about it to any members, even his wife and children. He did not obey: “I said to them, why are you afraid...
Ship Happens

Ship Happens

  Have you forgotten? At four minutes past midnight on 24 March, (1989), a cold-water reef ripped the thin skin of the Exxon Valdez‘s single hull, releasing the equivalent of about 17 Olympic swimming pools of oil into Prince William Sound, Alaska. It was the worst ever oil spill in US waters until 2010, when the...