(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Monthly archive June, 2014
Thinking The Unthinkable . . .

Thinking The Unthinkable . . .

  Wikipedia tells me that dark comedy, (a derivative term from black humor/black comedy/humour noir), is a form of comedy:  . . . in which laughter arises from cynicism and skepticism. How droll! Thus, today’s topic is the atom bomb, which is without a doubt one of the funniest things on the planet. I think...
Becoming Quaint

Becoming Quaint

  Quaint Attractively unusual or old-fashioned. Oxford English Dictionary   At some point in human history it was probably quite accurate to describe the buggy whip business as a thriving industry. And no doubt the savvy buggy whip factory owner would have expanded his offerings to include riding crops, glitter sticks and possibly even a...