
Your daily dip?

Whoa there, Buckaroo! (That’s how Pony Express riders greeted one another, but I digress.)

This Brylcreem ad was from a bygone era, a time when — according to many who hold to very conservative ideas and notions — things were good and proper and yummy in America.

But really . . .  my daily dip? In retrospect, that just seems and sounds so very wrong, for oh so many reasons.

I gotta’ move on.

Maureen Dowd’s columns are often quite entertaining. Almost without exception she inserts a word I’ve never encountered. (And you know I likes me some words.) Today’s word is gallimaufry. Who makes these things up? By the way, it’s pronounced gal-LI-muff-ree, and it means hodgepodge, or a disordered collection of stuff, which pretty much describes whatever it is I’m scribbling here.

If you’re too young to know what Brylcreem is, (was?), you just gotta’ check this video. In today’s culture that old commercial is more than a little disturbing, but you can certainly see why old white men want to bring those days back, and why Mitt Romney was the perfect candidate to do just that.

And how about that? I managed to bring things to a political head, just in the nick of time.
