Tacoma Bridge


Please Don’t Let It Break.

If, on some sunny, cheerful morn, the bridge I happen to be traversing, (whist silently pleading, “Please don’t let it break, please don’t let it break”), chooses that particular moment to heave a sigh of frustration, and collapse into the swirling maelstrom, I can assure you ONE of my final thoughts, (along with a plethora of salty expletives), will be directed at those Republicans who for mind-numbingly cynical and ideological reasons, felt disinclined to fund any projects that might have averted the catastrophe.

Many observers seem to think nothing will change until the aforementioned politicians are voted out of office. However, that noteworthy option may not be available to the citizenry, thanks to the Republican gerrymandering of voting districts in the past few years. For instance, see this and this.

When you draw a voting map that scoops up every far-right ideologue in the county, but filters out any and all of an alternate mindset, you end up with a bunch of whackadoos in Congress. And guess what? The majority of states are now firmly in control of Republican governance, and if those chaps can’t legislate non-Republican voters away from the booth, they’ll redraw district maps until it doesn’t matter.

Connect all those dots and let the hand-wringing begin.

And avoid the bridges.