(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Crimes Against Humanity"
War And My Remembrance

War And My Remembrance

  These days, everyone with a modicum of brains or a semi-operational moral compass seems to be contemplating their erstwhile support of or opposition to the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld Wars. Notable exceptions exist, most conspicuously Messrs. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, (not to mention their inner circle of counselors, stooges and court jesters), but honestly, no one should...
Torture, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 3

Torture, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 3

  Laws do not stand in judgment of morality. Quite the opposite is true. And laws either promote commonly accepted moral virtues, (i.e. benevolence, compassion, charity, forbearance, selflessness, love, etc.), or they abet the cleaving of those virtues from society. Our nation’s turn to torture, thanks to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza...
Torture, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 2

Torture, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 2

  As Andrew Sullivan says, Kathryn Bigelow (Director of Zero Dark Thirty) is NOT a torture apologist. I agree with everything he says. (I’m anticipating viewing the movie, but with trepidation.) And I second Sullivan’s call for a Bush/Cheney investigation and obvious, subsequent prosecution for war crimes, crimes against humanity and treason. War criminals did...
Torture, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 1

Torture, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 1

  Our Lack Of Choice With the release of the movie, Zero Dark Thirty, the gut-wrenching topic of torture has been re-introduced to the nation’s common discourse. In the years since George Bush and Dick Cheney unleashed the dogs of war upon the world, we, America’s citizens, have been denied the damnable but needful conversation...