(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Dubya"
The Prognosticator

The Prognosticator

  This is a post from a while back, but I push it a bit to the forefront because it’s about something that remains with us, and is rather important. Some presidents have been more successful at positively influencing The Village than other presidents. By way of example, let me mention Washington, who got everything...
Torture, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 3

Torture, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 3

  Laws do not stand in judgment of morality. Quite the opposite is true. And laws either promote commonly accepted moral virtues, (i.e. benevolence, compassion, charity, forbearance, selflessness, love, etc.), or they abet the cleaving of those virtues from society. Our nation’s turn to torture, thanks to George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza...
Mispronunciations When Everybody Wore Hats

Mispronunciations When Everybody Wore Hats

  Again I peruse the nifty little book my oldest son gifted me, 18,000 Words Often Mispronounced, and again I’m reminded that most errors of this sort would take care of themselves if people practiced something I learned in flight school: Attention to detail. In other words, if people would actually pay better attention when...