(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Greed"
Greed & Co.

Greed & Co.

Every now and then I stumble across something that gives my belly a serious twist; stories that are so difficult to believe, they seem to come from a Hollywood script. Imagine you’re the parent of a little child. Imagine that child has a life-threatening disease that is essentially untreatable but for one medicine available to...
Take the Fork in the Road

Take the Fork in the Road

  For those of you with a philosophical turn, I’m passing along an interesting read about two veils: Opulence and Ignorance. One could substitute veils with a fork in the road, I suppose; the point being, having to choose between two, different but unknowable outcomes. Imagine . . . Road #1: A mighty wizard whisks...
Living in Interesting Times

Living in Interesting Times

  There’s an old Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. I mention this because of our old pal, Willard. He, for the very first time since announcing he wants to be CEO … President of the United States, has finally, at long last, made our times quite interesting by making a substantive statement....