(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Guns and Schools"
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 7

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 7

  Today we consider, once again, the wholesomeness of the National Rifle Association. I’ll leave it to your own reading schedule to peruse the article, but I’ll simply add a suggestion: I propose that Middle and High schools throughout our country initiate Gun Shop classes, just like we (folks my age) had Wood Shop, Metal...
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 6

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 6

  Got logic? “The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” Wayne LaPierre. While I grasp the initial attraction to LaPierre’s bad guy/good guy thing, the underlying logic runs down a twisty, dark rabbit hole. Human nature, unbound and unfettered by national boundaries, will...