(I may be right . . . but Iā€™m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Paul Ryan"
Conservative And Cool

Conservative And Cool

I apologize from the top. I’ve long said, (and no doubt been oft quoted), Conservatives (Big C) cannot, cannot, CANNOT do cool. No matter how they try, they just don’t get the notion. And we’re not even going to start talking about humor. You thought Clint Eastwood’s schtick was funny? You . . . what?...
Why It Matters

Why It Matters

  ā€” I occasionally choose to exhume older posts, simply as a reminder. This one is from April 18, 2011 ā€” Most of you reading this post … I’m assuming a few of you actually do read this … are too young to be personally concerned with things like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. But you...
Living in Interesting Times

Living in Interesting Times

  There’s an old Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. I mention this because of our old pal, Willard. He, for the very first time since announcing he wants to be CEO … President of the United States, has finally, at long last, made our times quite interesting by making a substantive statement....