(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Politics"
Writing Good

Writing Good

  George Orwell . . . Animal Farm . . . Politics. The Eton-honed author wrote some marvelously good books and essays, and if you enjoy reading but haven’t yet sampled any of his work, shame on you. Granted, his oeuvre (how’s that for a $5.00 word?) walks a rather dark path at times, but much...
In Case You Were Wondering

In Case You Were Wondering

      — March, 2013 – I stumbled across this post from October, 2008, as I was going through the archives. It provides a brief explanation, for anyone with interest, why I started writing about all this political stuff — A thought occurred to me this morning. It’s entirely plausible I’ve given some the...
The Prognosticator

The Prognosticator

  This is a post from a while back, but I push it a bit to the forefront because it’s about something that remains with us, and is rather important. Some presidents have been more successful at positively influencing The Village than other presidents. By way of example, let me mention Washington, who got everything...


  Long ago, in a far away Disney board room . . . The high-strung junior executive slipped and nearly fell as he scooted around the hallway corner and burst through the heavy oak doors into the room. “SIR, SIR!” he exclaimed as he waved a sheet of paper above his head. “THEY DID IT!...
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 8

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 8

    One dictionary defines anecdote as: “a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.” There’s a tendency to reduce the validity of anecdotes when they’re used within an argument or debate, which is unfortunate, because anecdotes are often told from a first-person perspective, and we all live life from a...