(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Romney"
The Irrelevant in the Room

The Irrelevant in the Room

  It’s been half a year since I wrote these few paragraphs. In the intervening months, the GOP has wrung their hands dry attempting to figure out what happened in the November, 2012 election, and how to “fix” things so they can run the government once again. As a result, I’ve updated a few things....
It's Clobberin' Time!

It’s Clobberin’ Time!

About three years ago I was (somewhat constantly) groaning and moaning to any and all who would listen to me regarding Obama’s lack of fire when dealing with congressional Republicans. He bent over backwards to find a middle ground where something good for the country might be done. Unfortunately, the Republican leadership made it clear from...
The Federal Teat

The Federal Teat

  Mr. Romney (and his minions) like to portray all the non-tax-payers as moochers and sponges, sucking on the Federal Teat? Thank you, Ayn Rand, for showing us the Way. Interesting. Let’s have a quick look, shall we, at where all those teat-sucking moochers live? A test: The vast majority of tax modifications that resulted...
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

  Sleep. A bit of background. I can’t remember the last time I slept for eight hours straight. Or six. Or even four. I generally get 1 ½ to 2 hours at a time, (long story, old injury), but I almost always wake up feeling completely rested. I don’t nap during the day, but I...
Mitt & His Gosh Darned Taxes

Mitt & His Gosh Darned Taxes

  Mitt Is Overpaying His Taxes – For Now, by Josh Barro. “Today, the Romney campaign released a summary of Mitt Romney’s tax returns since 1990 and his 2011 tax return. The most striking part of the announcement is that Romney chose to forego $1.75 million in charitable deductions available to him in 2011 in...
GOP Politics . . . The Spectator Sport

GOP Politics . . . The Spectator Sport

This has been a really tough week for Mitt Romney. And it’s only Tuesday. Oh well. I have to agree with Shrum, in this article, about the GOP coming off their political rails. Think about this for a moment. The people currently in charge, (i.e. Tea Party), are rabidly conservative. They actually don’t disagree with...
Missed Opportunity

Missed Opportunity

  Four Americans killed at the temporary American consulate/embassy in Libya this week. Mitt Romney — ever the class act — in the midst of the attack, but before the deaths, attacked the President of the United States and condemned the actions of the Obama Administration. Not exactly what I’d call statesman-like behavior. Quotes For...
Living in Interesting Times

Living in Interesting Times

  There’s an old Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. I mention this because of our old pal, Willard. He, for the very first time since announcing he wants to be CEO … President of the United States, has finally, at long last, made our times quite interesting by making a substantive statement....