(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Sharing"


  Humanity has always been hardwired to fear … But the fear used to be of wild beasts prowling, the encroaching Visigoths, plague, world war. Now, in the pampered present, all that anxiety has to find a new focus … we have come up with … our status might be falling or — the horror,...
Paying Attention In Kindergarten

Paying Attention In Kindergarten

Okay, I confess. I’m a Redistributionist. (I know, so was Robin Hood.) The fundamental difference between me and Mr. Hood, (never mind the green tights and the arrows), is that Robin was a Post-Tax-Redistributionist. I however — and by notable contrast — am a Tax-Based-Redistributionist. Big difference. Most of us learned about redistributionism while we...