(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Posts tagged "Tea Party"
Vive La Révolution!

Vive La Révolution!

  A number of decades ago, I was sitting in a church in Portland. The weather on that particular day was typical for the confluence of the Columbia and Willamette rivers; overcast, drizzly and dreary. But the gloom outside wasn’t affecting attitudes inside the little church. The few dozen believers sitting in the pews were...
The Irrelevant in the Room

The Irrelevant in the Room

  It’s been half a year since I wrote these few paragraphs. In the intervening months, the GOP has wrung their hands dry attempting to figure out what happened in the November, 2012 election, and how to “fix” things so they can run the government once again. As a result, I’ve updated a few things....
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 7

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 7

  Today we consider, once again, the wholesomeness of the National Rifle Association. I’ll leave it to your own reading schedule to peruse the article, but I’ll simply add a suggestion: I propose that Middle and High schools throughout our country initiate Gun Shop classes, just like we (folks my age) had Wood Shop, Metal...
Thelma & Louise & the Fiscal Cliff

Thelma & Louise & the Fiscal Cliff

  Remember when T&L whooshed off the cliff? Yes, it was just a movie, but consider a couple of things. They careened off that particular cliff by their own choosing. They didn’t have to. They’d made a number of rather unfortunate choices earlier that boxed them into an emotional corner, but remember, those choices (for...
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 5

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 5

  President Obama gave a heart-wrenching speech at the vigil held for the shooting victims. One line from that speech staggers the mind: Are we prepared to say that such violence visited upon our children, year after year after year, is somehow the price of our freedom? The question is, of course, rhetorical, but the...
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 4

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 4

  This article makes a number of interesting points, and I want to share them with you. As a preface, I need to correct, or at least modify a term the author (mistakenly?) uses: High caliber. Furthermore, of the weapons that proliferate amongst the armed public, an increasing number are high caliber weapons (the weapon...
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 3

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 3

    The following post shares my comments from a correspondence with a dear friend regarding the horror that occurred at Sandy Hook Elementary School. I include it here because I think it’s relevant to our Village. My initial reply: I agree with you on almost everything you’ve written, and the part with which I...
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 2

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 2

  We can’t just say, “Everybody does it”. No! Dammit! Everybody doesn’t do it. Sure, Iraq does it. Afghanistan does it. Somalia does it. Great company, those, or they, or them. S’wonderful to be included in any kind of statistic with those countries, right? But it’s especially heartwarming to have an “Access to Military-Style Weapons”...
Please Don't Let It Break

Please Don’t Let It Break

  Please Don’t Let It Break. If, on some sunny, cheerful morn, the bridge I happen to be traversing, (whist silently pleading, “Please don’t let it break, please don’t let it break”), chooses that particular moment to heave a sigh of frustration, and collapse into the swirling maelstrom, I can assure you ONE of my...
Our Mr. Brooks

Our Mr. Brooks

From The Republican Glasnot, by David Brooks: There are increasing signs that House Republicans are willing to unite behind Speaker John Boehner so he can cut a deal to avert the “fiscal cliff.” There has been an epidemic of open-mindedness as Republicans try to win minority votes and create a version of their party that...
Republicans And Damn Republicans

Republicans And Damn Republicans

There’s an old saying: “There are lies, and there are damn lies”. Well, I suggest there are Republicans, (Old School), and there are damn Republicans (Model 2.0). WWII Disabled veteran and former Senator, Bob Dole, is from the Old School. Sadly, his kind are rapidly disappearing, and being replaced by the (cold and stingy) Mod...
The Men Are Getting Hungry

The Men Are Getting Hungry

  This morning’s quiz: What’s white, conservative, middle-aged, (or older), and has a dongle? Go ahead, I can wait while you ponder. Hum-tee-hum-tee-hum. Give up? The answer, of course, is simple. After the nation just handed the GOP a note saying, “Change your party you bunch of stupid *&#^!”, the House leadership (that would be...
Millennials And The GOP

Millennials And The GOP

The first note in this stream puts things in a bit of perspective. My kids were born between 1976 and 1990. Clearly, when it comes to politics and government leadership, (leadership, in this case, should probably be Bold, “in quotes” and italicized, just to make my sarcastic point), the preponderance of my kids’ experience has...
Politicians & Jellyfish

Politicians & Jellyfish

  Sorry. I don’t mean to disparage jellyfish, but aside from certain politicians and more than a few talk-radio or television hosts, they’re the only spineless creatures I’m aware of. And I know I’m tilting at windmills every time I write about the juvenile behavior of some members of Congress, but jeez. I guess I just can’t help...
GOP Politics . . . The Spectator Sport

GOP Politics . . . The Spectator Sport

This has been a really tough week for Mitt Romney. And it’s only Tuesday. Oh well. I have to agree with Shrum, in this article, about the GOP coming off their political rails. Think about this for a moment. The people currently in charge, (i.e. Tea Party), are rabidly conservative. They actually don’t disagree with...
Function 920

Function 920

  Welcome to the Congressional Budget. No, I’m not a government policy wonk. Truth be told, crunching through congressional budget numbers is one of my definitions of hell. That being said, it’s worth noting that there are folks in and about Congress who anticipate citizen apathy toward all things budgetary, and they plan accordingly. Actually, when...
Why It Matters

Why It Matters

  — I occasionally choose to exhume older posts, simply as a reminder. This one is from April 18, 2011 — Most of you reading this post … I’m assuming a few of you actually do read this … are too young to be personally concerned with things like Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. But you...
Take the Fork in the Road

Take the Fork in the Road

  For those of you with a philosophical turn, I’m passing along an interesting read about two veils: Opulence and Ignorance. One could substitute veils with a fork in the road, I suppose; the point being, having to choose between two, different but unknowable outcomes. Imagine . . . Road #1: A mighty wizard whisks...
Living in Interesting Times

Living in Interesting Times

  There’s an old Chinese curse: May you live in interesting times. I mention this because of our old pal, Willard. He, for the very first time since announcing he wants to be CEO … President of the United States, has finally, at long last, made our times quite interesting by making a substantive statement....