

Okay, it’s a little corny, and yeah, I know the book is called The Return of the King, but let me wander just a bit.

The one ring, the ring of power, forged generations ago in the fire of our nation’s beginning, has returned to its rightful place: The people.

Forces of darkness sought the ring, and did all manner of evil to bring it within their grasp. Some of them thought if they scattered enough gold and trinkets about, they could lure it close enough. Some of them thought if they scattered enough words with no meaning, they could somehow will the ring to obey their call. Fear, threats and intimidation of all sorts were used to convince people to deliver the ring to the only ones who truly know how to wield its power.

And yet, in spite of the lucre, lies and legerdemain, the people refused to yield. They held their ground and delivered the great ring not to the mighty, not to the rich, not to the liars, but rather to the weak, the poor, the humble.

Where it belongs.

A subsequent posting, later in the day . . .


The fact that my kids, adults all, will now have health care despite less than ideal income, student status or pre-existing condition, helped me sleep peacefully last night. It can probably be said, because of Obama’s reelection, Obamacare will now achieve the same “Touch This At Your Peril!” status as Social Security and Medicare.

Add to that my very deep sigh of relief regarding the Supreme Court. Had Romney won, (and as Mitt himself emphasized), the next SCOTUS appointments, (the next four years may see two, and possibly three new appointments), would have been in the mold of Scalia and Thomas. 9/11 was a tragic catastrophe, but nothing like the tremendous change of national character Romney’s Supreme Court would create. And our children and grandchildren would suffer the effects. Think Citizen’s United, that ushered in the monstrous campaign spending of this election. According to the current SCOTUS majority, corporations and money have the same rights as real people. Just imagine what a more conservative, idealogical Supreme Court could do.

We have so many reasons to be thankful today. Our nation dodged a bullet of incalculable mass.