Kids at Play


Go figure. You can’t eat ’em, and you’re not supposed to sell ’em to gypsies. (Oops!)

When they’re little on your lap; when they’re big they sit on your heart.

Every year that I grow older adds another year of awe and humble thankfulness for my own parents. When children become adults and have their own children, they finally begin to understand the knowing looks that pass between grandparents. Those are the looks that say, “We’ve been there”, or “We told you so”, or “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet, Kid”.

Now that I’m nearly 60, I long to sit with my parents and talk about life and other simple things. Sadly, that hasn’t been possible for many years. But if it was, I know one of the first things they’d say is something I heard them say many, many times: “This too shall pass”.

I don’t think I’ve ever forwarded an article with a recommendation to read some of the comments from readers. This one, by Susan Engel, is different. If you have a little spare time, I encourage you to read a few of the replies from other parents of adult kids.