(I may be right . . . but I’m not far from it.)
Monthly archive January, 2013
Grandpa's GOP

Grandpa’s GOP

  I’ve been reading and hearing much about how the Republicans are wringing their hands, trying to figure out how to keep their party from imploding. Some take the perspective that, “We need to tone down our message and stop insulting people!” Others say it’s because of changing demographies. Everybody has a different idea. Me...
The Irrelevant in the Room

The Irrelevant in the Room

  It’s been half a year since I wrote these few paragraphs. In the intervening months, the GOP has wrung their hands dry attempting to figure out what happened in the November, 2012 election, and how to “fix” things so they can run the government once again. As a result, I’ve updated a few things....


  Long ago, in a far away Disney board room . . . The high-strung junior executive slipped and nearly fell as he scooted around the hallway corner and burst through the heavy oak doors into the room. “SIR, SIR!” he exclaimed as he waved a sheet of paper above his head. “THEY DID IT!...
Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 8

Guns, A Continuing Discussion Pt. 8

    One dictionary defines anecdote as: “a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.” There’s a tendency to reduce the validity of anecdotes when they’re used within an argument or debate, which is unfortunate, because anecdotes are often told from a first-person perspective, and we all live life from a...
An Apostrophe!

An Apostrophe!

  Call me Ishmael. This article inspired more than a few clever and enterprising thoughts on my part. Before long, I came up with THE solution for global warming. Yes, Folks, you read it right here, first. (You may quote me at length, but I expect full attribution!) Here’s the plan. Global warming/climate change. Most...