In Case You Blinked


There’s an old Chinese curse:

May you live in interesting times.

I mention this because of our old pal, Willard. He, for the very first time since announcing he wants to be CEO … President of the United States, has finally, at long last, made our times quite interesting by making a substantive statement. No longer can Americans scratch their collective heads in wonder about how Mitt would govern if elected.

Now we know. (Some of us already knew, but . . . blush . . . really, this little article isn’t about me.)

Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his Vice President running mate, and this, truly, changes everything.


Glad you asked.

You should care about Mitt and Paul running things if:

  1. You have elderly parents.
  2. You have parents who will one day be elderly.
  3. There’s a possibility you may become elderly yourself.
  4. You have a bank account with less than $250,000.00 deposited.
  5. You have a bank account with more than $250,000.00 deposited.
  6. You may become ill one day.
  7. You may become fabulously wealthy one day.
  8. You possess XX chromosomes.
  9. You possess XY chromosomes.
  10. You’re a dog.

Okay, the Romney dog thing happened a long time ago, before all the cameras in the world were watching. (He should still be ashamed, regardless.)

But the list goes on . . .

My point is simple. Paul Ryan isn’t your typical, generic/vanilla selection. Not even close. Ryan is a line in the sand. A very straight, deeply-etched line. No curves. Romney has now said, “I stand firmly with the Tea Party and all it represents, because my choice for VP is the Leader of the Pack.”

You should care about this. Life in this country will change dramatically if Republicans get their way under Mitt Romney. If you happen to find yourself among the top 1% of income earners, life will become quite sweet.

Everybody else?

Ehh . . . not so much.