Clobberin' Time

About three years ago I was (somewhat constantly) groaning and moaning to any and all who would listen to me regarding Obama’s lack of fire when dealing with congressional Republicans. He bent over backwards to find a middle ground where something good for the country might be done. Unfortunately, the Republican leadership made it clear from the beginning, their foremost priority was to deny Obama a second term. In order to bring that about, they would refuse to cooperate on everything that the President attempted.

And Obama remained polite and considerate and continued to compromise. To no avail. His opposition had already dug their trenches, and they weren’t moving. They would simply sit and wait for the next election, and then tell the American people about how Obama couldn’t get anything done because he was a failure.

I mention that because I got really, really frustrated, (read: ANGRY!), with President Obama. I wanted him to act like he had a pair. I wanted him to take the fight into the Republican trenches and kick some Conservative (Big C) butt.

Well, he managed to get a few things accomplished, but here’s the problem: Unless Obama starts leading Mitt Romney around by the nose, everything he accomplished will be swept aside like it never existed. All that compromise and politeness won’t count for anything.

In the meantime, I want to share a video of a politician who knows how to fight. Her name is Julia Gillard, and she’s the Prime Minister of Australia. The video is well worth watching, because it shows how you stand up to your political opponent.

Gillard gave this speech in the Australian Parliament yesterday.

Obama should take notes.