01 - An Apostrophe!


Call me Ishmael.

This article inspired more than a few clever and enterprising thoughts on my part. Before long, I came up with THE solution for global warming.

Yes, Folks, you read it right here, first. (You may quote me at length, but I expect full attribution!)

Here’s the plan. Global warming/climate change. Most of the really big problems are caused by stuff melting, oceans heating and things along those lines. Well, we take all that out of the equation by using NASA’s idea, but instead of hauling a little asteroid to the moon, we think big.

Really big.

I suggest we, (meaning our friends at NASA) launch a really big rocket into space. Strapped to that rocket will be a harpoon and some really long and stout rope.

Stay with me. This can work.

We fly this rig way the hell out into space … toward the other side of the sun. Then, neat as apple pie, when the rocket tucks into the far side of the sun, we fire the harpoon into Ol’ Sol, hit the overdrive button and drag the sun farther out into space, AWAY from our big, blue marble.

Seriously, in your heart, you know this could work.

Granted, we’ll probably need to crank our thermostats up a bit, but it’s worth a little trade off. (I don’t mean to get ahead of things, but really, I can picture the Nobel on the mantle already.)

And now that I think about things, it might be a good time to invest in a couple trainloads of snow shovels, just to beat the inevitable rush.

So, there you have it, the fix of fixes. Neil deGrasse Tyson, eat your heart out.