Thelma & Louise


Remember when T&L whooshed off the cliff?

Yes, it was just a movie, but consider a couple of things. They careened off that particular cliff by their own choosing. They didn’t have to. They’d made a number of rather unfortunate choices earlier that boxed them into an emotional corner, but remember, those choices (for the most part) were theirs.

And choices always have consequences.

In a (sadly) similar way, politicians . . . most notably the usual suspects, Republicans . . . created this impending financial fiasco because of their Tea Party fueled opposition and intransigence toward anything that came from, was related to or smelled of Barack Obama, the Socialist in Chief.

Folks, in case you weren’t paying attention, (and we all know that’s why I get the big bucks . . . to pay attention for you), this fiscal doom is a time-bomb created because of the Tea Party/Republican debt ceiling hostage crisis they created in 2010. (There are articles aplenty on the Internets that will refresh your memory, should you choose to refresh.)

Thus our ship of State is facing a completely artificial, manmade reef. Republicans in 2010 and early 2011, newly energized by the mid-term elections that ushered the Tea Party into Congress, practiced extortion extraordinaire by holding the national debt ceiling hostage until they got the continuation of the Bush era tax cuts they wanted.

I won’t go into the cauldron of events, but it was an unbelievable shakedown of 97% of American citizens, for the benefit of a few hundred, or at most, a couple thousand, extremely wealthy “patriots” at the very top.

And yes, we’ve seen this scene play out time and time again. The Republican party, the Tea Party and Fox News, in spite of their unconvincing protests to the contrary, are simply spokes in the Great Wheel fashioned, owned and operated by people like Sheldon Adelson, the Koch Brothers and other billionaires intent on amassing ever more wealth, at the cost of our country’s long-term health and welfare.

Bastards, all.